- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/film-and-vhs-filters

“Film & VHS Filters" is a collection of several Surface- and Post Process Materials for Unreal Engine. The materials imitate different iconic Film & VHS looks, to be applied either onto a scene via a Post Process Volume or onto in-game screens & projections.
For both variants, there are 12 presets that can be used directly, or freely adjusted, according to your needs.
The pack also contains a Material Function, that can be plugged into a custom material.
The presets include:
- VHS (high wear)
- VHS (low wear)
- old-school Black & White Film
- modern Black & White Film
- Sepia
- Super 8mm
- Super 16mm
- Technicolor
- Cinestill 800T
- Bleach Bypass
- Matrix Movie Look
- The Revenant Movie Look
- Custom (no active effects)
Surface Material Overview (YouTube)
Post Process Material Overview (YouTube)
Technical Details:
Image Effects:
- Chromatic Aberration
- Noise
- Image Distortion
- Film Scratches
- Vignette
Color Correction:
- Contrast
- Desaturation
- Tint
- Clamp Dark & White Values
- Shadow Tint
- RGB Shift
Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances:
- 1 Master Material for Surfaces (in-game Screens)
- 1 Master Material for Post Processing
- 1 Material Function
- 1 Material to show the Material Function use
- 14 Material Presets for Surfaces (in-game Screens) (+12 variations)
- 13 Material Presets for Post Processing
Number of Textures:
- 7
- 2 MP4 Videos & Material Textures
Texture Resolutions:
- (1x) 2048x2048px
- (1x) 1024x1024px
- (2x) 512x512px
- (1x) 8x1024px
- (2x) 8x512px
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: not tested