- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/freezer

Freezer - provides a long requested feature - blocking the selectection an actors in the viewport of the level editor. In addition, it provides the ability to block the movement of actors and manage all this using a convenient list.
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Technical Details
Features:- Frooze/unfreeze objects with hotkey (ctrl + F) (Also by context menu)
- Lock/unlock objects movement by key (L) (Also by context menu)
- Manage frozen/locked objects by list (use checkboxes or hotkeys)
- Manage frozen/locked objects by World Outliner (Since from v.1.3)
- Unfroze all objects by hotkey (shift + alt + F)
- Unlock all objects by hotkey (shift + alt + L)
- Editor
Number of C++ Classes: 6
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux