- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/goblins-light-armored
A pack of goblins with modular mesh variations and material customization. The asset includes physical dynamic chains of rigid and soft bodies. Also NVIDIA's NvCloth features.
* Certainly you can assign the skeleton directly to epic mannequin, but retargeting through Anim Blueprint gives the best result.
Demo video: https://youtu.be/WUS9KHdcODo
Technical Details
Scaled to Epic skeleton: YesRigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Animations: 2 Custom,7 ThirdPerson Template.
Number of characters: 4
Number of Skeletal Meshes: 6
Number of Blueprints: 17
Vertex counts of characters: average 12400
Triangles counts: 29450, 24508, 20700 tris.
Texture Resolutions: 2048, 1024, 512
Animation type: In Place
Intended Platform: Windows
Platforms Tested: Windows
Documentation Included: No
Important\Additional Notes: No