- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/grenade-pack

Package includes:
• M61 Fragmentation Grenade
• M67 Fragmentation Grenade
• MK2 Fragmentation Grenade
• Model 24 Grenade
• M18 Smoke Grenade
• Flashbang Grenade
All models are between 2k and 10k vertices, with 4k textures. A master material with material instances for the smoke grenade assets is provided
Technical Details:
Number of Materials: 6 Materials with 4 additional Material instances for smoke color variations.Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: (Yes/No) Yes one of them.
Number of Textures: 22 Bitmaps
Texture Resolution (complete list): 4096x4096
Intended Platform: Desktop
Platforms Tested: Desktop