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Hairy Creature

PRO Asset 4.26 Hairy Creature LAST VERSION

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Hairy little creature with 18 animations and animation Blueprint
Video HERE
Play the demo level, download HERE
Playable 2nd demo HERE
  1. Lowered culling density and distance for foliage for higher GPU performance.
  2. added ability to switch to UE default map to test just the character performance.

Technical Details​

Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton:No (can be retargeted)
Animated: Yes
Number of Animations: 18
  • 4 swings
  • 3 deaths
  • 3 idle
  • 1 jump loop
  • 4 running
  • 3 walk

Animation types: In-place
Number of characters: 1
Vertex counts of characters: 14621

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 6 / 4
  • 1 Skin
  • 1 eyes
  • 1 hair
  • ground
  • bush

Number of Textures: 10
Texture Resolutions: 1x 1024x1024 / 1x 2048x2048 / 8x 4096x4096
Supported Development Platforms: windows 64bit

  • 1 Character BP
  • 1 animation BP
  • game mode BP

  • 1 groom
  • 1 Groom binder

  • 2 layerinfo
  • 1 Grasstype

  • 1 level
  • As seen in video

  • 1 skeletal mesh (creature)
  • 1 static mesh (bush)
  • 1 skeleton (rig)
  • 1 physics asset

Important/Additional Notes:
  • Downloads as "CREATE PROJECT" (project is using hair plugin and key mappings)
  • Character height is about 50 cm
sampo_34Latest member