- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/holographic-display

Holographic Display package provides an easy way to create high-detailed closeup look with noise, glitch animations and pseudo-volumetric hologram effect for in-game displays using single texture or 3D UI widgets. Package includes two type of materials:
Holographic Display - Provides a way to get a volumetric hologram effect on the planar surface using a single texture or 3D UI widget.
Pixel Display - Allows to create pixelated look with glitches and noise animation for the texture displays and 3D UI widgets.
Showcase video: https://youtu.be/gZnGGwD4IS4
Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tGUlXwnFsPcHODwYRDGFE-4A9NSRLLIewf5X1mDpgtQ/edit?usp=sharing
Technical Details:
- Pseudo-volumetric hologram effect based on single 2d texture
- Pixelated display closeup look
- Glitches and pixel blinking animations
- Materials works with 3D UI Widgets
- Materials for opaque and translucent displays
- For Pixel diplay material: RGB segmented pixels like on real monitors
- For Pixel diplay material: Decals material
- Five expample display textures
Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances: 5
Number of Textures: 5
Texture Resolutions: 2048 x 1024
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tGUlXwnFsPcHODwYRDGFE-4A9NSRLLIewf5X1mDpgtQ/edit?usp=sharing