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House Burning Wood 26 Customizable Fire Pack II City Burning

PREMIUM Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 House Burning Wood 26 Customizable Fire Pack II City Burning 2022-11-06

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feature image 1080-1920x1080-5394851336e078a75962f25e324de568.png


Burning Wood 26 Pack. Includes Burning House, Two bonfires, Wagon, Ladder, Staircase, Wooden Chests, Table, Benches, Chair,

Customisable material, all colours tweakable.

Tiling textures.

Burning carbon can be hidden to show unburnt wood planks.

Wood planks can be hidden leaving just the burning carbon.

Demo scene contains prebuilt assets such as the house in original static mesh form inside named folders so they are easily edited and recombined.

Change Log

Update 20/03/2022 18:05

Now also includes Low Poly (LP) version. LOW POLY DEMO VIDEO

See meshes, materials and blueprints with LP in the name.

Update 30/03/2021 20:44

Added a control for wind speed and direction. Wind Turbulence is set to zero by default and the fire burns straight upwards. Set Wind direction from 0 to 360 degrees. Higher wind speed causes the fire to burn more and more horizontally. Wind Turbulence set to 1 will make the fire burn along each plank as previously. A Wind Turbulence value between 0 and 1 is useful for suggesting different air currents within a burning building.

Technical Details:


Customisable material including

  • Flame Colour
  • Fire intensity including extinguished, smouldering and intense blaze.
  • Burn speed for a slow subtle smoulder to rapid flickering flames.
  • Wood colour for simulating paint
  • Ash amount and distribution
  • Dirt with customisable colour

Number of Unique Meshes: 26

Blueprints: 14

Collision: Automatically generated

Vertex Count: 1500-15000

LODs: 4

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 15

Number of Textures: 11

Texture Resolutions: 1024x1024, 512x512, a single shared 4k Occlusion Atlas.

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: https://youtu.be/HbCJrccW9Ho

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