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Http Websocket Helper

PREMIUM Asset 4.27 Http Websocket Helper 1.1

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This plugin exposes nodes to handle http request and websocket communication
Can be used in any blueprint
can be found here : https://github.com/RLoris/HttpHelperDoc
If you found this plugin helpful, leave a rate or comment for others

Bug or Request

You can ask question before buying, check the documentation as it may contain the answer you are looking for !
Keep in mind that I don't do your work for you, I only provide the right tools to help your development process !
If you find a bug, please contact me by filling this form, I will fix it
If you want a new feature, ask a question with the feature description, I will implement it eventually
For any other reason, you can contact me by clicking on my markeplace name (RLoris) and finding my support email

Technical Details​


Click here


  • Make http request (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, PATCH) with progress callback
  • Support custom headers
  • Send text or bytes or file stream
  • Define a timeout for the request
  • Establish a websocket client connection (ws, wss) with connection retry
  • Supports text and bytes messages
  • Async nodes available for quick and simple usage

Note: if you wish to (de)serialize struct to/from XML/JSON or encode/decode to/from base64 and send them over the network, you can use my other (free) plugin here: Link to marketplace


Code Modules:
  • HttpHelper (Runtime)
Number of Blueprints nodes: 7
Number of C++ Classes: 4
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Win, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win32, Win64, Android, Linux, IOS, MacOS


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