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Industrial Alley

PAID Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 $18 Industrial Alley 2022-09-27

No permission to download

An industrial environment, real-time, no scanned data.

Project contains modules (walls, doors, windows, vents, pipes) and many smaller decorators (concrete slabs, curbs, electrical parts, decals) and the example level shown on the screenshots.

Flyby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwh7TNh0At0

Binary Build: https://tinyurl.com/yerw979p (packed with 7zip)

Technical Details:


  • reusable props for quick environment creation
  • switchable day/ night with lighting scenarios
  • simple material setup for easy integration
  • windows with cubemap interiors
  • foliage is using pivot painter wind

Meshes: 190 objects and props, 4 vegetation assets

Vertex Count: max 30k, most of the assets are 5k and below

LODs: mixed (handmade and auto)

Collisions: mixed (handmade UCX and simple)

Materials: 6 Master Materials (env and props, vegetation, decals, landscape, some other), 60+ instances, 6 tileable surfaces, 28 decals

Textures: 100+ in total, resolution from 4k (env and props sets) to 256 (small props)

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

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