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PREMIUM Plugin Constant Updates 5.0 IsometricCamera 1.0.0

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Video Demonstration of Features
This plugin comes with a fully functional basic isometric camera.
Includes the following functionalities:
  • a blueprint library with 2 functions to optimize performance
  • a camera possession event
  • full movement logic based on manual inputs
  • full movement logic based on edge scrolling (like age of empires II)
  • a 90 degrees rotation logic with queuing
  • actor following logic with both blinking and lerping
  • zooming capabilities with scaling movement speed logic

The actor is setup using blueprints for higher flexibility in terms of smoothness, editing and event calling.

Technical Details​

  • a blueprint library with 2 functions to optimize performance
  • a camera possession event
  • full movement logic based on manual inputs
  • full movement logic based on edge scrolling (like age of empires II)
  • a 90 degrees rotation logic with queuing
  • actor following logic with both blinking and lerping
  • zooming capabilities with scaling movement speed logic
Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))
  • 1 blueprint library containing 2 functions (runtime)
  • 1 blueprint actor (runtime)
Number of Blueprints: 1
Number of C++ Classes: 1
Network Replicated: No (shouldn't need replication).
Supported Development Platforms: win32, win64
Supported Target Build Platforms: win32, win64
Documentation: Link
Example Project: https://mega.nz/file/IiRVUJDA#Y0C-S1O73pauzA-T6zzHtsttraLuUa7Z8KL8kvgKv2M (note: Epic will remove the access key following the # character; if that happens copy the link manually).
UE5 example project: https://mega.nz/file/ZjJlVDQK#-MD0xqpgln1qgQ87AxugNPgcGqmMOF76ODEvpTxm78E
Important/Additional Notes: Tested on windows system but should work on any platform.
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