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LL Face Control

PAID Asset Constant Updates 5.0 4.26 $8 LL Face Control 2022-04-26

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The blueprints will allow the user to create a near 1 to 1 mapping of their face to a digital character's face using a quick, convenient method. This is done by allowing the user to control live morph target/blend-shape data to a fine degree from live link face using material instances. The included blueprints are examples to be used with MetaHumans

Technical Details​

Demo Video Here

  • Manipulation of live morph target data from live link face
  • Printing to screen of relevant, and grouped data from live link face
  • Saving, duplicating, and transferring of manipulated morph target ranges
  • Using colors to keep convenient references and make diagnostics

  1. MetaHuman (Free upon request and acceptance from Epic)
  2. Face capture device (Iphone 10 or later)
  3. Live Link Face Iphone App (Free on Apple App Store)

Number of Blueprints: 3
  1. MetaHuman Skeleton Support: Yes
  2. Body Types Supported: ALL
  • Masculine - Short/Medium/ Tall
  • Feminine - Short/Medium/ Tall
Input = Materials: 1 Master 2 Instances
Network Replicated: (N/A)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: Setup Video Instructions Here
Important/Additional Notes:
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