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PRO Asset Constant Updates 4.27 Locomotion VERSION 1.13

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🎥 Trailer : Here

👨 Advance Male Customization : Here

💬 Discord : Here

📃 Documentation : Here

Locomotion is an easy to use system to get your locomotion project up & running,
Allows you to customize your locomotion build profiles, and adjust it all in realtime!
whether you’re making Third Person, Top Down , 2D Side Scroller Locomotion will cover you!

🌟 Features :​

✨ Compatible With Advance Female Customization - You can make your own character using AFC and using Locomotion you can control your character tutorials coming soon.
✨ Live Configurator - Allows you to customize / code your character in realtime set what you want and don't want your locomotion to have.
✨ IK Systems - locomotion features IK Foot placement system & Upperbody IK for Player Look at Camera.
✨ Plug N Play - every single node is commented and explained so you can make your own locomotion!
✨ Motion Wrap - allows you to adjust character legs for more or less movement without speeding up the entire animations.
✨ Fluid Movements - locomotion is built around the idea of having fluid movements so you can blend from one animation to another with ease.
✨ Custom Profiles - Allows you to save your own preset after you do live changes on the Live Configurator.
✨ Abilities System - use Abilities System to disable - enable features in realtime! like jumping sprinting walking whenever you need or setup profiles with their own abilities for your characters.
✨ Full Locomotion - You can walk / jog / sprint / crouch / slide / jump ... and easily add any new feature you like.
✨ Multiple Templates - you can Change your Locomotion Type in realtime with a touch of a button, From TPP to TopDown and even 2D Side Scrolling.
✨ Hand Made Animations - Up to 20 Different Stylized Hand made animations, to cover up your project needs.
✨ Full Debugging System - Allows you to see your character Speed / Velocity / Direction / Acceleration / AnimState & More.
✨ Levels For Each Genre - We Setup a Level for every Genre so feel free to explore them and use them as templates for making your own Games.
✨ Limitless Customization - Customize then Test All in Playtime without interruptions, gone the days where you had to close the project to try random values.

Note : this system will be updated, overtime adding more features and improving others if you have any problem with the system please let me help you join our discord Here and open a new ticket for our support team and we will be in touch!

Check out Hero's Journey's other products here .

Technical Details​

Blueprints: 2 Character Blueprints, 1 (3 Examples)
Animations : 20 Animation Assets
Platform: Windows,Mac,Linux
Documentation Included: Here
Intended Platform: Windows

📰 Update History :

v1.0 initial release
v1.01 day one patches
v1.02 fixed referencing problem with sprint animation
v1.1 AFC Customization Support
v1.11 bug fixes
v1.12 new walk Anim & better transitions
v1.13 fixes few issues with live config & add AMC Integration Support (Pending Epic Approval)
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