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Low Poly Shooter Pack v6.0

PAID Asset Constant Updates 5.4 $15 Low Poly Shooter Pack v6.0 v6.0

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Version 3.1.0 (Current)​

Release: February 16, 2022


  • Added Replication For Some Of The Basic Things. Things like moving, aiming and swapping weapons are now all replicated!
  • Added New Animated Low Poly Weapons Content Folder. This contains absolutely all the content in the Animated Low Poly Weapons asset!
  • Added A Full Leaning System. Allows the character to lean. Contains features for both leaning the camera, and also the weapons, as well as transitions between different leaning states.
  • Added Lowered Poses To All Weapons. You can toggle these poses by pressing the holster button, or going closer to a wall!
  • Added Aimed Reloads For Most Weapons! Some weapons just didn’t look all that nice with aimed reloads, but most weapons have them now!
  • Added A New Interactor Component. This component handles the new Interaction System! Nothing special here, just a simple system that determines whether the character is looking, or standing on, something that can be interacted with.
  • Added Magazine Drop Notify To All Third Person Weapon Reload Animations.
  • Added A New Loadout Saving/Loading System That We Can Use Via F5/F9. It is very basic at the moment, but it allows us to save the attachments that we like, and apply them on to any weapon we want.
  • Added Attachment Randomization.
  • Added Free Look/Camera Unlocking.
  • Added Separate Field Of View For The Viewmodels.
  • Added Ammunition Pickups.
  • Added Ammunition Pool System. Allows you to actually not have infinite ammunition.
  • Added Lots Of New States For The Crosshair.
  • Added Aim Assist. Can have different settings for keyboard and controller.
  • Added Corner Peeking/Automatic Leaning. Allows you to peek from a corner by just aiming.
  • Added Lowered Poses And Wall Avoidance.


  • Changed Our Character Hierarchy To Parent The Camera To The Arms. This is something that everyone assumed, so we took the chance to just change our setup, and have it the way everyone assumed it should be!
  • Moved All The Weapon-Related Content To The Animated Low Poly Weapons Folder. We did this to make it easier for us to package that asset. The actual folder setup for things inside it is the exact same!
  • Changed Our Time Handler/Manager To Not Use Unreal Input Settings. This allows us to use it in multiple projects, even ones that cannot have project settings, like asset packs.
  • Changed All Inputs To Use The New Enhanced Input System Plugin In Unreal Engine. This allows us more flexibility with our inputs!
  • Moved The Explosion Component To Blueprints. This means that it can now be very easily tweaked without having to access the source code.
  • Stopped Using A Custom Damage System, And Changed To Use Unreal’s Default Damage Functions. This means that any calls to the damage functions will now go through, and apply to damageables in the asset too!
  • Converted Game Abilities From Code To Blueprints. Some users were asking for this to be in Blueprints as well, so here it is!
  • Improved The Interface Widget. We split this Blueprint Widget into more, smaller, widgets that we can modify a lot more easily.
  • Changed The Font We Use For Our Tutorial, And Improved The Look Of It.
  • Changed The Way The Pickup Widget Shows Up. Instead of spawning it every time we need it, and then deleting it, we now have it present all the time, and just show it.
  • Changed Project To Run On Vertical Field Of View. This makes sure that everything works fine for ultra-wide monitors.
  • Changed Inspecting To Not Block Anything. We had a few people asking about making the inspect less annoying to get out of, so that’s what this is! You can now interrupt it with basically anything else!
  • Improved All The Procedural Animations. This includes any kind of lag, jumping, and basically any other cool procedural thing.
  • Improved Crosshairs.


  • Fixed An Issue Where Handguns Would Eject Multiple Casing When Shooting And Spamming The Aiming Button.
  • Fixed Animation Issues.
  • Fixed An Issue Where The Character Would Not Be Able To Jump Twice Or More If Changing Jump Count. This was due to us having added a node that impeded the Character blueprint from working properly with jumping.


  • Removed Inverse Kinematics Trace Channel. This channel was causing an issue that blocked people from actually building games with the asset, so gone it is!
  • Removed Time-Related Inputs In Project Settings. We don’t need these anymore, since the Time Manager now uses normal keys.
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