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MARS Master Material

PRO Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 MARS Master Material 2022-07-04

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Version: Update20220615

Major Update: Complexity Control | RGBAMixer | Position Variation | Fake Interior | Fake Reflect/Refract | UV Effects | 3D UV Random | Hex UV Random...

Continuously updating.

Check details in: Document Link

Check other MARS Master Material products here

Master Material Features

Material Name:

MM_Opaque | MM_Masked

MM_OpaqueG | MM_MaskedG



00.Global Texture Coord

01.Global Control

02.Global Effects

|-.00.Layer Texture Coord

|-.01.Shading Model


|-.03.Metallic | AO | Roughness | Specular

|-.04.Normal | Anisotropy

|-.05.Opacity | Opacity Mask

|-.06.Displacement | POM | PBO | PDO


|-.08.Reflection | Refraction

Master Layered Material Features

Material Name: MM_LayeredMaterial

00.Global Texture Coord

01.Global Control

02.Global Effects


ML0n.00.Layer Control

ML0n.00.Layer Texture Coord

ML0n.01.Shading Model

ML0n.02.Color | Alpha

ML0n.03.Metallic | AO | Roughness | Specular

ML0n.04.Normal | Anisotropy

ML0n.05.Opacity | Opacity Mask

ML0n.06.Displacement | POM | PBO | PDO


ML0n.08.Reflection | Refraction

Master Material Attributes Layers Features

Material Name: MM_AttributesLayers

ML_ClearCoat | ML_Cloth | ML_DefaultLit | ML_SubSurface | MLB_Blend

- Parameter Groups

01.Global Control

02.Global Effects

- Layer Asset

00.Global Texture Coord

|-.00.Layer Texture Coord

|-.01.Shading Model

|-.02.Color | Alpha

|-.03.Metallic | AO | Roughness | Specular

|-.04.Normal | Anisotropy

|-.05.Opacity | Opacity Mask

|-.06.Displacement | POM | PBO | PDO


|-.08.Reflection | Refraction

- Blend Asset

00.Texture Coord – Base Layer

00.Texture Coord – Blend

00.Texture Coord – Top Layer

01.Custom Alpha

02.Vertex Color

03.Top Mask Complex

04.Top Mask

05.Slope Mask

06.Direction Mask

07.Distance Mask

08.Elevation Mask

09.Textue Curvature Mask

10.Mesh Curvature Mask

11.Procedure Noise Mask

12.Height Mask

Master Landscape Material Features

Material Name: MM_Landscape

00.Global Texture Coord

01.Global Control

02.Global Effects

Ladscape Layers Control

ML0n.00.Layer Control

ML0n.00.Layer Texture Coord

ML0n.02.Color | Alpha

ML0n.03.Metallic | AO | Roughness | Specular

ML0n.04.Normal | Anisotropy

ML0n.05.Opacity | Opacity Mask

ML0n.06.Displacement | POM | PBO | PDO


ML0n.08.Reflection | Refraction

MARS Material Select

BP Name: EUW_MaterialSelect


BP Name: EUW_RGBMixer

MARS Mask Bake

BP Name: EUW_MaskBake

MARS Random Pattern Bake

BP Name: EUW_RandomPatternBake

Master Dynamic Material Features

BP Name: BP_MDM_Main | BP_MDM_Dummy | BP_MDM_Buffer


- MDM Control

- MDM Performance

- MDM Draw Render Target

- MDM Surface Control

- MDM Vegetation Control




Technical Details:

Level: 100

Material: 613

Material Instance: 607

Material Function: 327

Material Layer: 24

Material Layer Blend: 4

Material Parameter Collection: 3

Texture: 515 [ 1k to 4k ]

Blueprint: 10

Editor Utility Widget: 4

Mesh: 32

Platforms: PC, Win64bit

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