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Mesh Morpher (Wrapper)

PAID Plugin Constant Updates 5.2 5.1 $25 Mesh Morpher (Wrapper) v2.6.0

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Mesh Morpher 2.0.1 is Live! (04/09/2022) This version is available for UE 5.0.0 and higher

  • [MM-176] Transform Gizmo in Transform Tool now allows Scaling
  • [MM-177] Convert float to double precision. This allows for higher quality Morph Targets when working with Mesh Morpher. However, UE's deltas are still floats.
  • [MM-178] Indicator now is drawn in Mesh Component Scene Proxy
  • [MM-182] Convert Tools to UMG Widgets
  • [MM-185] Fixed a bug in UMeshMorpherToolHelper::GetNormalizedLength
  • [MM-186] Implemented the ability to get the bounds of mask selection in UMeshMorpherMeshComponent
  • [MM-187] Updated Shortcuts for Commands
  • [MM-188] Implemented Toggle Mask Selection Command
  • [MM-190] Implemented Clear Mask Selection Command
  • [MM-204] Support for Mac
  • [MM-205] Removed Enable/Disable build mesh data functionality
  • [MM-206] Fixed a bug where progress bars wouldn't show up
Mesh Morpher 1.8.8 is Live! (03/08/2022)

  • [MM-203] Fixed a bug in Create Morph Target from OBJ Files where changing the Base OBJ would reset the location of Morphed OBJ to Base location

Mesh Morpher 1.8.7 is Live!

  • [MM-201] Fixed a possible bug in Create Morph Target/Meta Morph from OBJ Files where not deselecting an OBJ would reapply the transform over and over when pressing OK.
  • [MM-202] Fixed a bug where keyboard shortcuts would be triggered even when editable text widgets are focused.

Mesh Morpher 1.8.6 is Live! (02/28/2022)

  • [MM-200] Added additional verbosity to Create Morph Target from OBJ Files allowing users to understand better why it fails when it fails.

Mesh Morpher 1.8.5 is Live! (02/22/2022)

  • [MM-180] Implemented the ability to offset transform gizmo (Hold Left Shift while dragging the Gizmo)
  • [MM-183] Implemented Keyboard Shortcuts for Brush Size (Brackets)
  • [MM-199] Fixed a crash due to transform gizmo type not registering anymore.

Mesh Morpher 1.8.4 is Live! (02/11/2022)

  • [MM-179] Draw Selection has been moved in Scene Proxy
  • [MM-191] OBJ Export now writes Normals and UVs
  • [MM-192] Improved Mask Selection Rendering.
  • [MM-193] Improved Mask Selection Performance
  • [MM-194] Fixed a bug where Open Selected menu button wouldn’t open the selected morph target
  • [MM-195] Updated Copyright info
  • [MM-197] Creating from OBJ files UI has been greatly improved allowing users to preview and rotate the OBJ files
  • [MM-198] OBJ Importer has been greatly improved.
Mesh Morpher 1.8.2 is Live! (01/03/2022)

  • [MM-174] Fixed a bug where clearing a Mask Selection wouldn’t deselect the selected mask asset
  • [MM-175] Fixed a bug on opening Mesh Morpher where it would spawn an unrecognized tab

Mesh Morpher 1.8.1 is Live! (12/19/2021)

  • [MM-172] Fixed a bug where exporting a selected Morph Target would crash if the Morph Target is not open
  • [MM-173] Default Threshold when applying Welded Deltas to Identical Mesh has been changed to 0.0001. This will allow more accurate results in certain cases.
Mesh Morpher 1.8.0 is Live! (12/14/2021)

  • [MM-171] Optimized the speed of Meta Morph creation. Embedding huge base meshes along with deltas is super fast now
  • [MM-150] Fixed a bug where Mesh Morpher would crash on Engine shutdown due to actor cleanup.
  • [MM-151] Load Selection button has been removed. Now the selection is changed automatically when a selection asset is selected.
  • [MM-152] Implemented the ability to scale/mirror OBJ files when Creating Morph Target from OBJ Files.
  • [MM-153] Removed Invert Morph Target menu option as this can be achieved by Set Magnitude.
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