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Mission & Objectives - 4.0

FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 Mission & Objectives - 4.0 LAST VERSION

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Mission & Objectives plugin is a great Editor extension which provides easy way to design Missions, quests, objectives and events. It comes with many examples and demo maps. It support side quests, multiplayer (replication server-client) and savegames for all players! Every mission gives flexibility to trigger additional conditions at any time. There are no worries of adding extra reward to player when special objective is completed, spawning particles when mission is activated, showing additional messages on Mission start / end.

It's robust system of delegates connected to widgets. Five of different approaches shows how useful it can be in any time.
  • start / complete notification
  • narration widget to show story line and dialogues
  • objectives list showed on the edge of the screen
  • LOG where mission history can be checked, Ongoing, Succeeded, Failed and all details
  • single objective prompt to show whenever we did something right
Even if plugin is mostly implemented in code it exposes everything to blueprints which makes setting up missions like a child play.

Technical Details​

Supported features:
  • Support for parallel missions being active at the same time
  • Multiple quest endings depending on choices
  • Multiplayer and replication
  • Scripted actions can be trigger at any moment (state) - on active, on complete
  • Robust widget systems to present VIEW - five different ways of communication
  • Demo levels with predefined missions
  • Character, obstacles, collectables, mission library and much more

  • Two types of new assets (Mission, Scripted Action)
  • Five widget systems (Mission Prompt, Missions Log, Objective Prompt, Objective List, Log)
  • Two example levels with easy to follow scripted missions
  • Character setup
  • 12 textures
  • 12 materials
  • Additional world objects

Code Modules:
  • MissionObjectives (Runtime) - Contains Model (data which are serialized), mission, manager, scripted action logic
  • MissionObjectivesEditor (Editor) - module responsible for editor node extension and asset definition

Number of Blueprints: 24
Number of C++ Classes: 26 - 7 (runtime) / 19 (editor)
Multiplayer support: Yes
Supported Platforms: Win32, Win64
Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13NqGlXpkIR72v6j5j0qwcsMWC5y4JLW6hOH7hsyBxOY
Demo project: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xNCQ30F64-5VSlYXZvBuMgnOXlw0qene
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Reactions: e.alemdar

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