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FREE Asset 5.0 4.27 MotionUI 2022-09-04

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MotionUI is an extensive material functions library for motion design and advanced dynamic UI development with UMG, designed for use in games, simulations, visualizations and cinematics on any platform.

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Technical Details:

What's new in ver.1.12 (03/17/21):

  • Mask function revamped - added looping, fixed filter width
  • 4 new material examples
  • TimeStep - new easing function
  • SubUVMask - new UV operation function

MotionUI ver.1.12 contains:

  • 53 material functions, including:
  • 5 main functions (Mask, Spin, Rotate, Scale, Shift)
  • 10 UV operation functions (UVSpin, UVRotate, UVScale, UVGraph, CartesianToPolar, Pixelate, Symmetry, Warp, Spherify, SubUVMask)
  • 2 image processing functions (Posterize, EdgeDetect)
  • 3 noise functions
  • 31 easing functions
  • 9 example masks for Mask and Shift effects
  • 32 material examples (excluding showcase materials)
  • 3 Niagara setups + 1 Blueprint for advanced UI effects used in showcase
  • 2 example UMG setups (UMG to mesh texture, 3D widget with depth)
  • 3 audio tracks (Gagarin Cult - Astrophobia single) to use in your projects royalty-free under CC BY 4.0 license

Supported Development Platforms: Any

Supported Deployment Platforms: Any

For additional support: contact me at [email protected] or Unreal Sandbox Discord Server

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