Project Discerption:
FPS & TPS Shooter with Advance AI System , the project fully replicated , you can use it in multiplayer or single player games , and it Compatible with Metahumans Skeleton (metahuman characters not included in the project)
Tactical Male Soldier project are included in this project.
all animations are compatible with metahuman , no need to do retargeting.
Radar System:
- there is little icon in the top of the head of your team members with name of your team member
- when your pawn spawned , the HUD actor will take a single picture of your level , this picture will process using a special material effect , after that it will be your map image. you can scale the radar image to cover more area
- little arrow will represent your team member in the radar circle
Weapon System:
- the bullet can apply damage behind the objects depend on the physic material
- Weapon behavior ,realism mode (spread / recoil) , aiming
- Weapon collision: you cant shoot when the weapon collided with anything
- Ability to grab weapons and switch between primary and secondary weapon
- if enemy shoot you , a red arrow will appear in your screen to show you where the bullet came from
- zoom scope system
AI System:
- i used EQS system and Behavior Tree but i didn't used pawn sensed component in this project. I built my own system (vision and hearing), its more effective , more performant.
- AI can see and choose the target depend on many variant : the view angle (smallest angle has the advantage) , the distance of the target (advantage for closer targets)
- AI will hide when the weapon magazine going to end and the movement speed change depend on the situation
- i already published 2 multiplayer games on steam using this project and everything work fine.
- the project was tested in UE5 and its work perfectly
- you can test the demo online or in local network, just enable DMZ in your router on the server side, and type the ip when you come to join the server
Technical Details:
- advanced animation blueprint ( turn in-place animation, leaning, crouching, foot and hands twist correction)
- 06 weapons with reload animations
- Weapon behavior ,realism mode (spread / recoil) , aiming
- Weapon collision
- Ability to grab weapons and switch between primary and secondary weapon
- Death and Respawn system
- Advanced AI system using EQS system and Behavior Tree
- Foot IK system
- Complete replication
- Radar System
Number of Blueprints: 15
Input: ( Keyboard, Mouse)
Network Replicated: ( Keyboard, Mouse)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: (Yes) (YOUTUBE)
Important/Additional Notes: (NO)