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MySQL Connect

PRO Plugin 5.4 MySQL Connect v3.0.2

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MYSQL plugins that support C++or blueprint calls, enabling MYSQL database connections, data insertion, querying, deletion, stored procedures, and more



  • Support local MYSQL server and cloud database connection (eg: Azure Database for MySQL)
  • 支持本地MYSQL服务器和云端MYSQL 服务器连接(如华为云MYSQL)

  • Support C++ or Blueprint Calls
  • 支持C++调用和蓝图调用

  • Synchronous And Asynchronous Support
  • 支持同步和异步方式

  • Support MYSQL Version 5.6.x - 8.x.x
  • 支持 MYSQL 5.6.x 至 8.x.x 版本

  • Support Win64 and Linux platforms
  • 支持Win64和Linux平台

Linux Technical information:

  • Using llvm-ar-13.0.1
  • Using clang++13.0.1
  • Using lld linker
  • Using bundled libc++ standard C++ library
  • If you compile the Linux version on the Windows platform, you can also directly use the official cross tool to compile
  • 如果你在Windows平台上编译linux版,也可以直接使用官方的交叉工具来编译
  • v20_clang-13.0.1-centos7

Code Modules:

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 10

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64 Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64 Linux


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