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PREMIUM Asset 4.27 4.26 Optimizator LAST VERSION

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This widget will be most helpful to tasks that are related to level design.
It helps you find those tiny little objects that you have immediately forgotten about after placing them, but nevertheless they consume performance.

Technical Details​


  • Search for desired assets with specific parameters that are placed on loaded levels
  • Change of shadow casting and mobility status for point and spot lights
  • Change of "max desirable view distance", shadow casting and mobility status for static meshes

Number of Blueprints: 7 (editor utility widget)
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes

Enable "Editor Scripting Utilities" plugin (it must be enabled for this widget to work)
Find "W_Optimizatior_Menu" in your content browser, RMB and "Run" it
Adjust search parameters to your liking and hit "Find"

Important/Additional Notes:
Occlusion state of static meshes can't be changed in blueprints, so you'll have to do it manually in "Details" window.
When you hit select "All" or "Next" details window doesn't update (I can't force it in blueprints) so you'll have to focus on a selected actor(default: F) and then click on it again (or ctrl click if you've got more than one actor selected).
sussieduprizzLatest member