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PAID - Suburbs - City Pack

PAID Asset 4.27 4.26 $25 PAID - Suburbs - City Pack SEPTEMBER 2021

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Update 1.1 (April 16, 2021)

Now the modular buildings can have basic interiors.

-floor/roof blueprint

-door blueprint (interactable)

-improving the procedural modular building system

-you can control the global traffic light intensity or global dirt from Material Collection

-new models: interior modular pieces, new type ornament windows, new stairs, new type of lamps, doors, stairs and others.

-new instance materials

-improving some materials

-control interior walls material from building controller

-now you can overwrite materials in walkside and road blueprints

-spawn floors in the building if it has interior

-remake the collisions for corner modular pieces

-can set the time delay for traffic lights

Update 1.2 (August 12, 2021)

- Adding more details on some models
- Force one length/type for modular building system
- New materials
- Optimization for blueprints
- Fixed bugs
- Adding old fire alarm
- Adding cloth scooter model
- Adding Bike
- Pattern facade - alternative even/alternative odd improved (one simple modular piece, one window piece)
- Fence blueprint
- Traffic Lights
  • Emergency lights
  • Time on color switching
  • New poles
  • Traffic signs
  • New settings for spot lights
  • More than 2 lamps
- LOD tweaks
- Decals blueprint * dirt, graffiti, road decals etc.
- New sewer models
- Wire Blueprint
- New building type (with shorter ground floor)
- Extract Mesh Tool
- Convert Particles in Niagara Systems
- Road Blueprint (Fire lane, Bus Taxi lane , now it can have 2 lanes, improvements on generation system, now the decals should be applied manually using Decals Blueprint,)
- Fixed some PBR base color values

Update (September 2021)

- collision bugs fixed

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