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PITCH BLACK: Darkness Anywhere

PREMIUM Asset 5.4 5.3 PITCH BLACK: Darkness Anywhere 2024-06-02

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PITCH BLACK lets you add darkness to your environments with precise control. Place PITCH BLACK actors in pits, corners, caves, and holes to cover them in absolute shadow. No light is powerful enough to overcome it.

Plunging into the darkness fades your camera to black, as oblivion overcomes you.

Create bottomless pits, horror game cameras, mysterious doorways, or creepy fogs.

Each PITCH BLACK actor lets you customize:

  • Location, Rotation, and Scale
  • Shape (Rectangular or ellipsoid)
  • Fade-in distance
  • View distance
  • Intensity
  • Real-time updates
  • Darken either inside or outside the mask

PITCH BLACK achieves its effects in post processing, using the scene depth buffer to determine which pixels should receive darkness.

PITCH BLACK works with all types of lighting. It can darken both lit and unlit materials. Unlike volumetric materials, it works at all graphics levels.


PITCH BLACK features:

  • 1 Blueprint Actor for rectangular darkness
  • 1 Blueprint Actor for ellipsoid darkness
  • 1 Blueprint Actor base class for creating custom post-processing masked materials

Those features are supported by:

  • 1 Post Process Material for box-shaped darkness
  • 1 Post Process Material for ellipsoid darkness
  • 1 Material
  • 6 Material Functions

The demo content additionally includes:

  • 2 Levels
  • 16 Materials
  • 8 Blueprints
  • 4 Material Instances
  • 14 Static Meshes
  • 1 Static Mesh by Midge "Mantissa" Sinnaeve distributed under the Creative Commons CC0 license: https://mantissa.xyz/pages/free.html
  • Content from Epic's First Person Template

Total file size: About 700MB

PITCH BLACK's primary offering (blueprints and materials) work both with or without Lumen and Nanite.

Environments in the screenshots and demonstration video are included except where noted. The demo project ships with Lumen and Nanite enabled.

Translucent materials have some limitations in PITCH BLACK. The demo and documentation discuss this in depth.

Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sro1kLc1o6LWLpr_NACjUdfyk95Gsz1MpdZT8Ta009E/edit?usp=sharing

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

  • Windows: Yes
  • Mac: No

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