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Pixel Particle Effect v.01

FREE Asset 5.4 5.3 5.2 Pixel Particle Effect v.01 2024-07-16

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This product contains 32 types of pixel-style particles.

Sample Video : Video(Youtube)

Other Particle : Pixel Particle Effect v.02

Created with Niagara particles and contains no sound.



  • Emoji 8
  • Dust 3
  • Explosion 3
  • Falling Leaves 4
  • Fire 3
  • Floating Dust 1
  • Heart 3
  • Hit 2
  • Rain 1
  • Snow 2
  • Smoke 3

Type of Emitters: CPU, GPU

Number of Unique Effects: 8

LODs: No

Number of Materials: 5 Material, 61 Material Instance

Number of Textures: 60

Number of Blueprints: 1

Number of Unique Meshes: 6

  • Leaf Meshs 8
  • Stones 3
  • Floor 1
  • Wall 1

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

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