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PAID Asset Constant Updates 5.0 $10 Port 06-04-2022

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Port industrial environment, includes warehouses with interiors, cargo props, vehicles, ship etc.

VIDEO - https://youtu.be/KE_7FVt4Ubo

Please make sure that Water plug-in is enabled. Otherwise the demo map will not be included in the pack.

Technical Details:


  • Modular warehouses with interiors
  • Vehicles: Truck, Cement Trailer, Trailer, Forklift, Ship.
  • Many props like shipping containers, barrels, cargo props, wooden pallets, cranes, ladders etc.
  • Well optimized environment for low end hardware.
  • Demonstration map included.

Number of Unique Meshes: 116

Collision: Yes, custom.

Vertex Count: from 4 to 22767

LODs: Yes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 90

Number of Textures: 202

Texture Resolutions: from 16x16 to 4096x4096

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

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