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PAID Plugin Constant Updates 5.0 $5 rdLODtools 2022-05-05

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Stess Test Video: Here (note: assets in video are not included)
Website with Manual, Tutorials and more: Here

Version 1.3 is now live.

rdLODtools is a UE4 plugin that resides in the Static Mesh Editor. It allows you to easily create Billboard, Planar, Cubic and TriSprite LODs. Billboard LODs can have up to 64 frames in a FlipBook giving a full, 360 degree view (or a range) of the mesh in just 2 or 4 triangles (v1.4 will have dual axis). Planar LODs can have 2-32 planes plus a top plane. Cubic LODs can be modeled to any shape and TriSprite LODs are 1 triangle.

Running rdLODtools over your meshes can speed up rendering by huge factors. These LODs can fill out your city buildings, Power/Light Poles, trees and foliage while also reducing your frame-rates.

Mesh Types that rdLODtools is most useful for are things such as:
  • Trees
  • Foliage
  • Sky Scrapers and tall buildings
  • Powerline Poles
  • Traffic Lights
  • Traffic Signs

Please note that often you will need to manually adjust the colors of your mesh - this is made easy by incorporating adjustment values in the LODs material instances.

Version 1.3 introduces many tools to speed up all your work with LODs. Context menus have been added to easily change many LOD details and also create/extract LODs from meshes.

Technical Details​

  • Create 2/4 triangle, multi-angle Billboard LODs
  • Create 2-32 poly planar LODs
  • Create Cubic LODs which can be edited in modelling apps.
  • Create high-speed, single triangle TriSprites.
  • Complete color customization
  • Speed up your Scenes by huge amounts
  • Large number of tools for editing details about LODs
  • Tools to Remove, Combine and extract LODs
  • Workflow optimized
  • LOD settings Vault for storing custom LOD values

Code Modules: rdLODtools (Editor)
Number of Blueprints: 0
Number of C++ Classes: 7
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows,Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Any, Editor only plugin
Documentation: Here
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