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Set of paved road. Included 2 versions. 1 version has a small polygon and is designed for manual Assembly or straight road, 2 version has an increased polygon and is designed for turns and not flat road using Editspline. Also included are a few props.

Technical Details:

1The set includes:

Curbs - 8 acres, 1 uw for each grid 4 painting options (4 materials), 12 textures. The number of triangles is 29 to 84

The road has 2 grid options, the total number of early 21( 1 option 10 acres, 2 option 10 and 1 grid curb length in the size of the road). All labels have 3 variants of painting and in the material of the road with the help of a mask, you can change the line of the road for different grid options. ((15 materials, 19 textures). Dimensions 700x700 and 700x1400. The number of triangles is 2 to 988

The sidewalk has 2 grids that can be used on bends in the road, as well as sidewalk, you can use the net of a set of roads (1 material, 4 texture). The number of triangles 10

The manhole - 1 piece - has 5 options of a grid and 3 options of painting, 9 textures. The number of triangles is 198 to 288

Sewer grating - has no grid, used as a decal object, has 1 material, 4 textures.

Grass - 4 variants, 1 material, 4 textures. The number of triangles is 2 to 48

All textures have a resolution of 4K, but in the engine textures set the value from 512 to 2048, at this resolution Texel is approximately 300

https://skfb.ly/6LVvw Road

https://skfb.ly/6LVvx sewerage hatchway

https://skfb.ly/6LVvy Border Props

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