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Route 66 Gas Station / Modular Environment

PRO Asset 4.26 Route 66 Gas Station / Modular Environment LAST VERSION

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This is a modular gas station environment made for AAA quality games but also optimized to fit every project.

All of the props are made using a PBR pipeline and are high-quality while still being applicable in a wide range of use-cases, including projects which a limited performance-budget, such as VR / AR projects.

To get assets made in a similar style, feel free to visit the

Pack Dev Market Page

Technical Details:

Features included:

For modularity examples and instructions please refer to the included pictures on the Marketplace website of this package.

Mesh (Props & Environment)

  • 70+ combinable props
  • Building mesh. including the related details (door, flower pot, window, signs, pavement etc.)

Textures (4096 x 4096) (Props & Environment)

  • Texture resolution may be lower if the prop is very small in scene
  • Tiled textures are used for some of the assets

Demo Scene with setup lighting and prototype 3rd person contoller.

Direct support from the dev

Collision: Yes. Automatically generated

Number of Meshes: 70+

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 47

Number of Textures: 150

Supported Development Platforms: Unreal Engine, Unity 3D, Sketchfab, Marmoset, and Ray-traced engines (Vray, Iray, Arnold, Cycles etc.)

Note: The scene is heavily influenced by the famous Ambler gas station on the even more famous route 66.

Some items, therefor might vary slightly in appearance in order to differ from the original.

Additional Notes: Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the asset, need help with something or just want to know more.

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