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[SaveMe Pro 2] - Cloud • Desktop • WebGL - Easy saving solution

FREE Unity Constant Updates [SaveMe Pro 2] - Cloud • Desktop • WebGL - Easy saving solution 2.5.0

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SaveMePro 2 allows you to save either small values or your complete game on many platforms including WebGL. It comes with a free addon to save your values on the Cloud without server knowledge.
Render pipeline compatibility

☁️ SMP2 now includes free cloud saving system! Look at the video to see details. ☁️

☀️ SaveMe Pro 2 - Game Saver:

SaveMePro 2 is a smart powerful saving asset wich allows you to save multiple scenes in one file or in the cloud! You can save runtime instanciated objects, custom values (like string, int, bool, color, vector etc...), even object that are already in scene but you moved at runtime. You can achieve all this easily with fully customized editor and class.
(This package contain the source code of the demo game so you can better see how it works)

☁️ New
Cloud System addon
  • Multiple scene.
  • Save runtime instantiated objects. (Position, rotation scale).
  • Save already in scene objects. (Position, rotation scale).
  • Save bool
  • Save string
  • Save int
  • Save float
  • Save Color32
  • Save Vector2
  • Save Quaternion
  • Save Vector3 (I can integrate any other value type, just ask me at [email protected]!)
  • Full thumbnail system integrated
  • Load the game in 1 function. The loading is improved so you don't need to load the scene, SaveMePro 2 will load the scene for you and setup everything at the new scene awake for the best use.
  • New Scene loading method to keep SaveMePro 2 working (more easy than Scene Manager!)
  • Keep the saves after updating your game. (Some things could not work anymore if you change them in the game, but the save should never be corrupted unless you change the encryption key).
  • A function to generate a unique number which will always be unique.
  • Encrypted file 99.9% undecryptable (AES 256 bit)
  • Of course, you choose the Encryption key (Must be a 256 bit key, but a tool is given in the asset to generate a compatible key)
  • A free integrated tool to encrypt and decrypt any string with your key in 1 line!
  • Custom events triggered at the start and the end of each save / load.
  • Full source code integrated for addon makers!
  • Community addons are reviewed by me and published here! (not minimum quality required, I review them only to corerct some things and add custom inspector for your tool if needed).
  • Ultra user-friendly
  • At the community service! You can when you want ask for an update, if it's a neccessary thing, i can add it in the asset, otherwise, I can make it as addon! (I can't make all things, but I will check and reply to all messages, and help you to integrate what you want in your project!).
  • Unique technology on the asset store! I didn't just made the asset, I researched it and made many versions before arriving to the perfect system!

✔️ Windows
✔️ OS X
✔️ Linux
✔️ Web GL [Free addon included, not all features available for WebGL (check the documentation)]
➖ Should works on all platforms which can store files.
(Android and IOS support will be officially added in the 2.5.2 version throug you can already tweak the asset to make it compatible)

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