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Hierarchy Pro 2021 - Extended - 2020.11.0

FREE Unity Hierarchy Pro 2021 - Extended - 2020.11.0 LAST VERSION

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Fully documented :
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Warning! =) Please pay attention, asset may fails to update due to a little problem with the asset store cache (we changed our the name 6-7 updates before). So, you have to go to the assets store hdd directory find the "emx" folder and remove it. Apologies, for the inconvenience.
1. ☰ MAIN (...) :
• Lines Height/Indents/Colors and etc
• Events

[UP/DOWN] - Move multiline selection together
[LEFT/RIGHT] - Expand hovered tree item
end etc
• Background
• TopBar
Special toolbar integration allows you to quickly switch between layouts and integrate your own buttons
• Special GameObjects Menu
This mode integrated in the gameobject menu, and includes examples of elements like
'[Group], [Ungroup], [Set next/previus sibling index], [Move to parent], [Set new parent], [Duplicate next to object], [Multi renamer], [Reverse order of child sibling indexes]'
This mode allows you to add your own menu elements.
• AutoSave
• Snap
(Not bad for 2020 and below)
• Auto Highlighter
Applies colors/icons/background automatically (allows you to create a conditions based on names/components/layers/tags)
• Manual Highlighter
Applies colors/icons/background (includes child grouping, and special background styles)
• Presets Manager
Allows you to save the values of the object's fields, including references to the internal objects of the scene
4. ☰ RIGHT BAR (4):
• Right Bar Mods Pack [9 buildin/9 custom] :
Layers/Tags/SpriteOrder/Audio/Description/Memory Info/Static Flags/UI Text/RayCast Target Flag and so on...
This mod allows you to add your own modules.
There are many ways to manipulate size of modules right in the hierrarchy window
• SetActive Buttons
• Icons For Components

Will draw icons and allow manipulate them using the context menu (you can call methods of log private field values)
• PlayMode Preserver
The convenient mod allows you to save values changed in the PlayMode (it records undo for changes)
• Search
A special modal the window allows you to quickly search objects using content from the right bar
5. ☰ EXTERNAL MODS (6) :
• Bottom Bar
A special mod that integrates into the bottom part of the hierarchy window and allows you to quickly manage EXTERNAL MODS right in the hierrarchy window
• HyperGraph [E]: Displays references between objects and their components, or between unity events
• BookMark (Quick Buffer) [E]
Contains different categories, allows you to manipulate objects and create their instances
• Selection History [E]
Quick manager for selection
• Last Scenes [E]
Quick manager for scenes
• Saver for Expanded Tree Items [E]
Quickly create and restore expanded states
6. ☰ PROJECT MODS (6) :
• Lines Height/Indents/Colors and etc
• Background
• Auto Highlighter
• Manual Highlighter
• Folder for Project [E]

Allows you to bookmark folders or objects, allows to display child of bookmark folders. allows filtering by extension, supports flat hierarchy

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