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Shader Compilation Screen - remove shader stutters

PRO Asset Plugin 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.0 Shader Compilation Screen - remove shader stutters 1.0

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Many people face problem of stutters caused by one time shaders and niagara emitters compilation. It might cause bad first impression about a game. This plugin will resolve this issue in 4 easy steps.
You can easily see the difference by clearing shader cache before starting it using "-clearPSODriverCache"

Marketplace allows only latest 3 engine version to be uploaded. If you need 4.26 and 4.27 versions you can send me email with proof of purchase.

Technical Details​

  • Automatically finds all Materials and compiles
  • Automatically finds all Niagara Systems and compiles
  • Loading screen that shows compilation progress
Code Modules:
  • ShaderCompilationScreen(Runtime)
Number of Blueprints: 3
Number of C++ Classes: 2
Supported Development Platforms: Currently tested with Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Currently tested with Windows
Documentation: Youtube playlist
Important/Additional Notes:
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