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PREMIUM Asset 4.27 4.26 Shoebill LAST VERSION

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With this project you can save your time while you are building the infrastructure of the interactions between your character and transportation components of your game. The character can get on and off the motorcycle with animations. It’s a combined system with third person and first-person views. Firstly, the character walks to the interaction point and then takes the position for the interaction automatically, if he is in the interaction area and triggered for the interaction.

The third person character is also compatible with Crypto, Revenge, Colibri and Strelitzia. You can easily implement less than 5 minutes.

Shoebill based on vehicle movement class and has realistic physics with improved roll, yaw, pitch behavior while it accelerates, brakes and turns. It has also advanced front and rear suspension which shows a visual kinematical movement.

Technical Details​

  • Getting on/off motorcycle,
  • Realistic front and rear suspensions,
  • Engine and wind sounds,
  • Functional handlebar,
  • Functional analog and digital gauges on the handlebar,
  • Functional front and rear lights,
  • Two gameplay cameras,
  • Touch interface for Android.

Features of the character:
  • Third person perspective,
  • First person perspective,
  • Entering and exiting animations for Shoebill,
  • Handle bar control,
  • can interact with Revenge, Crypto, Colibri and Strelitzia.

The asset includes:
  • 1 Demo level,
  • 1 Motorcycle mesh with 43k faces,
  • 1 Vehicle blueprint,
  • 1 Vehicle animation blueprint,
  • 1 Character blueprint,
  • 2 Tutorial blueprints(for Character and Shoebill)
  • 1 Touch interface,
  • 39 Materials,
  • 57 Textures with 2048 x 2048 resolution,
  • 18 Normal maps,
  • 6 Audio files.

The most of materials are textured and the asset is compatible with VR.

Input: Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Android
Documentation: Tutorial blueprints are in the project.
sussieduprizzLatest member