- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/sicka-dynasty

Asian Style Full Environment with optimized lighting and texturing techniques.
Use the environment , expand this with provided Assets, or populate your own similar maps and designs using props provided in the pack .
Technical Details
Features:- 190 unique Mesh
- 18 Full Building Prefab (Copy/Paste in your map)
- Optimized Lighting with Mostly Baked lights
- Prop texturing with hyrbrid of trim-sheet and combined UV
- Hand-made LightmapsUV with maximum pixel density per island
- Shared textures between multiple assets
- Texture streaming ready for all assets (PTPOTS)
- 4K textures for almost all props
- High detail unique Props
- Leaves decal
- Postprocess materials for haze and sharpening effect
- High performance demo map without LODs
- Falling Levaes and fantasy fire Niagara Particle System
Number of Particle Systems: 2
Collisions: Yes (custom + automatically generated)
Vertex Count: 56 ~ 100K (full building floor)
LODs: No { since I didnt make any custom LODs, I left it to be adjusted based on your project needs)
Number of Materials and Material Instances:
- 10 Materials
- 23 Material Instance
Texture Resolutions: 4K
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes}
Mac: (Yes}
Important/Additional Notes:
- Gameplay Video was recorded on 4 year old setup on 1440p (i7 7700k+gtx1060 6GB+ 32GB) in editor
- Character in the video is Wukong from free assets in Marketplace
- I tried to make the presentation as raw as possible, to give a full understanding of Pack if you are considering it, so please read the description, and watch the video before buying, and ask any questions you have to avoid any misunderstanding. Thank you.