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PRO Plugin 5.4 SteamCore v1.5.5.3

No permission to download

  • Use Steam with Unreal Engine Blueprints

Steam Interfaces Exposed to Blueprints

  • AppList
  • Apps
  • Friends
  • GameSearch
  • GameServer
  • GameServerStats
  • Inventory
  • Input
  • Matchmaking
  • MatchmakingServers
  • Music
  • Networking
  • NetworkingUtils
  • Parties
  • ParentalSettings
  • RemoteStorage
  • RemotePlay
  • Screenshots
  • UGC (Workshop)
  • User
  • UserStats
  • Utils
  • Video


Product Support
  • For product support and technical support you'll have to verify product ownership as stated here: https://eeldev.com/help
  • You can find product support hours and more information in the link above.

Plugin Features Demonstration

Video Demonstration

Whats the difference between SteamCore and SteamCore PRO?
  • SteamCore PRO features it's own Online Subsystem and is not locked to the Online Subsystem included with Unreal Engine, this allows for more customizability and flexibility without having to modify engine source code
  • PRO includes the latest Steamworks SDK version. (Currently 1.57)
  • PRO sessions are not region locked
  • Invite friends to your game/multiplayer sessions with PRO
  • Dedicated Server and Listen Server Authentication/Game ownership verification
  • PRO: Connect to dedicated servers via IP and listen servers via P2P relay network using the same configuration, no need for different game configurations.
  • PRO version is the only version that will be recieving new feature updates.
  • The regular SteamCore was released many years ago and is considered feature complete. It will no longer be receiving new feature updates, only critical engine updates and bug fixes.

Supported Engine Versions
  • Epic does not allow plugin updates for older engine versions, this means only the 3 latest engine versions are supported. Older engine versions will have an older and outdated version of the plugin.
  • If you need support for older engine versions you can purchase the plugin on Gumroad.com.
  • It's also possible to obtain Source Control access to plugin source code through Gumroad.

Notes: To use Steamworks Services you will have to use the Steamworks documentation. The plugin is not going to teach you how to use Steamworks and it's services besides what's currently available in the plugins documentation and examples.

Notes: Support for Dedicated Servers, matchmaking or other steam features are not included with the product purchase. If you need additional support for setting up dedicated servers, matchmaking or other steam related services you can reach out via email for a quote.

Technical Details:

Code Modules:

  • SteamCore [Runtime]
  • SteamCoreWeb [Runtime]


  • Achievements
  • Friends
  • Stats
  • Player Stats
  • Global Stats
  • Multiplayer
  • Matchmaking
  • Workshop (UGC)
  • Remote Storage
  • Inventory
  • And much much more..

Number of C++ Classes: 200+

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac

Supported Engine Versions: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Video Tutorials: https://eeldev.com/

Documentation: https://eeldev.com/

  • Notes: This plugin is not created/provided by Valve.

Supported Engine Versions
  • Epic does not allow plugin updates for older engine versions, this means only the 3 latest engine versions are supported. Older engine versions will have an older and outdated version of the plugin.
  • If you need support for older engine versions you can purchase the plugin on Gumroad.com.
  • It's also possible to obtain Source Control access to plugin source code through Gumroad.

Caution! Steam Multiplayer Sessions require a fix when using Unreal Engine 5.1+, join discord if you need this workaround.

Latest updates

  1. v1.5.5.3


    STEAMCORE September 17, 2021 by hulken MATCHMAKING SERVERS Added several new Server...
hatedaysLatest member