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SubUV Damaged Decal Pack

FREE Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 SubUV Damaged Decal Pack 2022-08-30

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208 decals with two different version (one version is using 512x512 atlas map, its more cheaper)

The materials has one master material. And you can control parameters like alpha power, normal intensity.

Technical Details:


  • Single master material
  • Optimized versions
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to switch subuv material setup

Texture Resolutions:

  • 2048x2048
  • 512x512

Number of Textures: 122

Supported Development Platforms: PC

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC

Documentation: None

Important/Additional Notes: The models in the picture are free Paragon models. Not included in pack.

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