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Telekinetic Abilities

FREE Asset 5.0 4.27 Telekinetic Abilities 2022-05-04

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The pack contains 14 different telekinetic abilities with several settings. From simple things like holding an object with telekinesis to throwing a meteor made of targeted objects at your enemies.
The abilities can be used in 2 "layers". The Abilities folder contains the core content of the abilities. These are actors that can be spawned and controlled. The Castings folder contains actors that give you proper input based control. To put it simply, spawning a Push ability will push the objects right away while the Push casting will use the Shoot action input (left mouse button by default) to spawn a Push ability and thus push objects whenever you press the button. Castings can be only used one-by-one because they all use the same inputs (Shooting - left mouse button, Targeting - right mouse button).

  • Anti Gravity
  • Black Hole
  • Crush
  • Defense - Orbit
  • Defense - Stop
  • Grab
  • Impulse Grab
  • Multi Grab
  • Meteor
  • Meteor Shower
  • Radial Push
  • Push
  • Pull
  • Shooter

Quick Showcase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r3vZ64wd5g
Showcase "game": https://gabeee.itch.io/telekinetic-abilities-showcase

Technical Details​

  • Telekinetic abilities
  • Castings - Input based use of the abilities
  • Demo character and map
Number of Blueprints: 3 base ability blueprints, 14 ability blueprints, 5 base casting bluprints, 14 casting blueprints.
Input: Keyboard & mouse
Network Replicated: No (Reason: highly physics based pack.)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lgSt3bk0Vt-avPseGofr0Nt6soT6tp4w47JoRMb02is/edit?usp=sharing

Please feel free to ask any questions on my support discord: https://discord.gg/FhA7BBu
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