Important note: This product is UE4 only. I've created a new advanced product for CHAOS users. It is a new product.
This product will not be updated to UE5. This is for UE4 users and custom UE5 APEX builds that don't intend to upgrade their current project to UE5.
🔥Join the HyperReuts gaming and development Discord Channel for generic chat and support! Would love to speak to you there.
- You probably need a very easy to use auto-landscape material for your environment. Check out this super advanced, but still drag and drop photorealistic auto landscape material for a very sharp price!
- Also Mineable Rocks are a must!
- Link it to this ultimate Inventory system!
To configure a tree: Create a child blueprint of the BP_TreeCutting_Master.
Here you are able to configure:
· Duration before logs are spawning
· Life: How many hits does the tree require to be chopped down?
· Delete after time fallen: How many seconds does the actor (All parts, e.g. trunk, scene components and any other actor information) needs to be alive after the tee is cut? Note: The fallen logs will remain because they are spawned as separate actors.
· Destroy actor after inactivity: How many seconds does the tree needs to be alive after the tree is touched? This is necessary due to performance and cleanup purposes.
· Log to spawn: Define your own log with own variables.
· Falling tree sound: Which sound to use when the tree is falling
· The meshes for the trees. Top, middle (Destructible mesh) Trunk and the Original tree.
After the tree is chopped, a log is spawned. This log is a blueprint so you are able to configure it for your inventory system.
Technical Details:
- Two character examples: Axe animation based AND Projectile based interaction.
- Master Blueprint to configure TreeCutting actor
- Master Blueprint to configure Log blueprint for later use in e.g. inventory system
- Example Map with explanation
- Example trees and configuration from Epic games Open world collection for example purposes
Number of Blueprints: 9 (2 master, 4 tree examples, 3 log examples)
Replicated: Yes
Dependency: Apex Destruction Plugin must be enabled.
Supported Platforms:
Windows. It is assumed that it works fine on all platforms.
Support, community & Documentation📁:
Initial Support like bug encounters and online documentations are available after verification[Please note that docs are an optional courtesy and web-based]. Easiest way is to access is Discord, but ofcourse also possible via mail.
The discord is a meeting place with forums setup per asset where other game developers with the same asset can discuss the use and also help each-other out including me (Eric) the developer.
All my blueprints are always heavily commented. Not only the what happens, but I try to explain why it happens.