Universal Fighting Engine (UFE) is a framework for developing both 2D and 2.5D fighting games using a variety of easy-to-use tools and editors.
Give it a try, click here to play or download the demo.
Feature Spotlight:
- User friendly editors
- Advanced A.I. support (Random and Fuzzy AI)
- Story mode
- Mecanim and Legacy animation support
- Easy character setup
- Combo system
- Grappling move support
- Custom input manager
- Cinematic options
- Compatible with Unity GUI
- Open source GUI Scripts
- Mobile friendly
- Extended coding support
- 5 Characters and over 150 animations included
What is new on 2.x:
- Custom Hitbox Editor
- Multi-gauge
- Diagonal inputs
- Full support for resource loaded assets
- And more...
Supported Addons:
- Control Freak
- cInput
- Rewired
Other Links:
- Official Unity thread
- Youtube
- Forum
- Patreon