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Underground Tunnel

PAID Asset Constant Updates 5.0 4.27 4.26 $20 Underground Tunnel 2022-06-04

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Video Demonstration

An underground tunnel network with a large central junction that contains surface access.

The Tunnels are modular. However, the main junction is not modular. The main junction has optional sockets for tunnel connections

Technical Details:


  • High quality assets
  • Spline blueprint for tunnels
  • Modular meshes
  • Vertex painting
  • Dust shader
  • Wetness shader

Number of Unique Meshes: 317

Collision: Yes, few autogenerated, most hand made for more accurate collision

Vertex Count: 100 - 66k

LODs: Yes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 108

Number of Textures: 218

Texture Resolutions: 4096x4096

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

  • Important/Additional Notes: Raytraced reflections and shadows are used in the scene.
  • There is a bug with GPU light-mass and foliage instances that displays as an error "Lighting needs to be rebuilt" in 4.26
  • The rain occlusion mask uses a render target, by default its a static texture, but if you change the layout or want to update the texture, you can enable the render target to output an updated texture. Dust uses an inverted mask, so anywhere that is not wet, will have dust, but it can be painted out with the alpha channel in the vertex colours

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