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Victorian Furniture - Living Room

PRO Asset 4.26 Victorian Furniture - Living Room LAST VERSION

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Asset set of Victorian Living Room. Package contains low-poly, optimized models with 4K high-quality PBR textures.
Presentation scene INCLUDED

Technical Details​

Models are ready for use in games:
  • Presentation scene included
  • Optimal and simple geometry
  • High quality texture sets - 4k textures

Texture Sizes:
  • 4096x4096 [33]
  • 2048x2048 [44]

Number of Unique Meshes: 71
Collision: (Yes/automatically generated)
LODs: (Yes)
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 27
Number of Textures: 77
Texture Resolutions: (4096 Base Color, Normal map, RMA) (2048 Base Color, Normal map, RMA)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)

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