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Zibra Liquids

PAID Plugin Constant Updates 5.0 4.27 $25 Zibra Liquids v1.4.0

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🌊 Zibra Liquids is a cross-platform, GPU-based solution for real-time 3D liquid physics simulation, developed to make effects creation easier, achieve outstanding visuals, and add realistic physics.

Showreel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B5vbEFDBas

Powered by a custom physics solver and a one-of-a-kind Artificial Intelligence-based technology for neural object representations, it makes working with liquid easy as never before.

With Zibra Liquids, you can make performant 3D real-time liquid simulations on Unreal Engine, creating high-quality visuals, as well as game mechanics based on interactive physics.

Our out-of-the-box solution has an intuitive UI, and is equipped with a wide range of features, as well as multiple visual and physical parameters to customize the look and behavior of your liquid however you want.


  • Real-time 3D liquid simulation
  • Best-in-class performance
  • AI-accelerated interaction with 3D objects of arbitrary shape
  • Force interaction with Unreal physics simulation system
  • Force fields - Radial, Directional, and Swirl
  • Collider friction
  • Multiple physical fluid parameters: gravity, stiffness, viscosity, surface tension, etc.
  • Different material parameters: color, reflection color, emissive color, roughness, metalness, opacity, etc.
  • Blueprints and C++ support for creating custom game mechanics
  • Simple & intuitive UI

Supported platforms:

📌PC Windows 64 bit - DX11(4.26, 4.27, 5.0); DX12(5.0 or newer)

📌Unreal Engine version: 4.26, 4.27, 5.0

📌 VR is not supported yet

How can you benefit from Zibra Liquids?

✅Best-in-class performance

✅Impressive realistic visuals. Easy to customize

✅Tens of millions of particles to create cinematic effects on high-end hardware

✅Accessibility and ease of use

✅Liquid interaction with complex 3D objects in real-time, out of the box

✅Brand new game mechanics

🆘 Support and Community

Is something not clear? Get support on our DISCORD server. Our team has a strong background in machine learning, physics and AAA games development and will be happy to answer all your questions and help you get the most enjoyable experience using our product.

✉️ Do you prefer email? Not a problem - you can contact us via: [email protected]

📄 Perhaps your questions are already covered in the documentation. Check here: DOCUMENTATION ]

Demo projects: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YzH1daN8_LE_vVYf2DtsofQHXFxJHBHr

ℹ️: Check our blog for the latest updates and information about Zibra Liquids and other upcoming products of our company.

Follow us: Discord | YouTube | LinkedIn | Twitter | Medium

Technical Details:

Supported platforms:

PC Windows 64 bit - DirectX11 (4.26, 4.27, 5.0); DirectX12 (5.0 or newer)

Unreal Engine version: 4.26, 4.27, 5.0

❗ Note for Unreal Engine 5.0.1 and higher users:

Due to technical limitations, the built plugin from Unreal Marketplace doesn't currently work with UE 5.0.1 and higher. You can either switch temporarily to DirectX 11 or rebuild the plugin with your version of Unreal Engine:

To rebuild the plugin:

  1. Move the plugin folder from your marketplace plugins folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace") to your project's plugin folder ("YourUnrealProject\Plugins\ZibraAILiquid"). You will need to create that folder if it doesn't exist yet. The project needs to be a C++ project.
  2. Generate the Visual Studio project (you can do it by right-clicking on .uproject file and selecting "Generate Visual Studio project files") and open it. Start your project via Visual Studio. The plugin will be rebuilt at the first launch and after that you don't necessarily need to launch your project via Visual Studio.

This issue is temporary and is going to be removed in future versions of the plugin.

Documentation: Link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o-5tgSxEr7orPAYc4uBbAsSGZUwCnVEK/

Example Project: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YzH1daN8_LE_vVYf2DtsofQHXFxJHBHr

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