34 Beautify crafted animatins including zombie movements and interactions
Taunt - Roar
Crawl - Idle -Slow - Fast
Hop Left Leg - Idle -Slow - Fast
Hop Right Leg - - Idle -Slow - Fast
Standing - Idle -Walk- Run
Attacks Standing- Left Arm swing - Right Arm swing - 2 Hand swing
Attacks Crawl - Left Arm swing ,Right Arm swing
Interactive Modular Animation Zombie attack and Human response
Takedown and get munched
Idle to grab
Grab to wrestle
Grab to Takedown
Grab to Push Defense
Grab To Kick Defense
Grab to Munching
Slumped to Stand
Prone To Idle Stand up
Base movements in this pack are included in the Stooped Zombies Pack https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/stoopid-zombies
This is animations only the game logic to work with interactions is not included in this pack
Example blend spaces are included for all Idle / slow / fast animations
released games using some of the animations.
check them out
Technical Details:
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: Yes
Number of Animations:
Animation types : 32 In place - 2 root motion
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
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