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  1. Freeze

    FREE Asset 4.26 Big Office LAST VERSION

    Videos BigOffice BigOffice walkthrough Video --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • This environment includes 18 different spaces with equipment related to that environment • Low poly Objects with high quality textures and materials •...
  2. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 4.27 VRGK - Virtual Reality Game Kit v3.0 v3.0

    <br/><br/><h2><strong><u>&gt;&gt; </u></strong><a href="https://divivor.gitbook.io/vrgk/" rel="nofollow"><strong><u>About Project Nova and the Future of VRGK</u></strong></a><strong><u> &lt;&lt;</u></strong></h2><p>( ^ The link above redirects you to the Project Nova FAQ and also contains...
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