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  1. Gamezz77

    FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 1970 s New York City Alley LAST VERSION

    1970`s New York City Alley work including Buildings and props . Made by Environment Artist Victor Ullmann . You will find Building parts . Props , Roads and more Assets in this pack to create your NYC City Alley or make additions to your existing levels . Showcase Video Disclaimer: Due to a...
  2. Freeze

    PREMIUM Asset 4.27 4.26 Forgotten Alley LAST VERSION

    Preview: youtu.be/N7u9CbqAAcc Changes of the environment under the background of the times, the ancient alleys are surrounded by high-rise buildings, in the dim light of night neon lights and light card, alley add some vitality. Into the alley, quiet ancient, but it has a bar, grocery shop...
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