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  1. Melaro

    FREE Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 Physic Based ATV 2022-06-24

    <br/><br/><p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v&#61;5MIg1-M2BNU" rel="nofollow">Video</a> <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KbfoPlQ9zIB0DRGd11gGFOB0vywl4nBF/view" rel="nofollow">Demo</a> <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id&#61;1FMyheO9DbP9OfWtb_7lSiFPLpV1KKnps"...
  2. Melaro

    PAID Plugin 4.27 $5 4.26 Actor Pool Manager Plugin VESRION 1.2

    Actor Pool Manager Plugin Spawning alot of actors can hurt your performance of your application. Spawning and destroying the same actor classes will require unnessary memory allocations, constructor calls and will even consume more power if you load other resources like materials, animations or...
  3. Freeze

    FREE Asset 4.26 Infinite Item & Loot Generator LAST VERSION

    Want to make your own RPG? Or survival game? Sci-fi or Fantasy? Or a combination of any of the above ? Then the Infinite Item Generator is the best tool to generate limitless item variations,each complete with their own stats and graphics. The system is easy to plug and play and ready to be...
  4. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 PBR Toilet & Bathroom Props Mega Pack LAST VERSION

    * A collection of realistic PBR props for a modern Toilet or Bathroom, great for both games and Architectural Visualization. Features 30 unique meshes with variants: Toilet (Blueprint class for articulation) Urinal (Blueprint Class for Articulation Bathtub (Blueprint Class for Articulation)...
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