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  1. Gamezz77

    PREMIUM Asset 4.27 4.26 Advanced Enemy Sensor LAST VERSION

    Complete your loadout with this little helper! This small asset can easily spot even subtle movement or beating heart of your prey! Take a handheld version, designed to be used with a sidearm, or weapon attachment version and install your favorite scope (and maybe laser, huh?) onto it to create...
  2. Gamezz77

    FREE Asset 4.26 4.25 Sniper Rifle 'Rattlesnake' LAST VERSION

    Sniper rifle with different skins and fully operable parts, such as trigger, charging handle and buttstock. This asset includes three color schemes: Copper/Black, Green/Black, Wooden/Black. Scope has "real" construction. This allows you to use it by reducing FOV of the camera. Technical Details...
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