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  1. Safouane Ayadi

    FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 Voxel Dungeon Modular Pack With 10 Styles and many small props 2021-06-17

    Technical Details Features: ready for game ready for dungeon generators created for real prototype and real using voxels modular have many props ready and tested for mobile / console 10 styles Texture Sizes: 256x1 Collision: Yes/automatically generated Vertex Count: 80 - 33000(min for...
  2. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 5.0 4.27 Stylized Rendering System (Cel-Shader) 2022-05-17

    [TRAILER VIDEO] Quickly and easily cel-shade your characters, objects, and visual effects and add up to 25 different customizable styles of outlines to your scene! SRS allows you to create a variety of different, dynamic art styles for your projects, mimicking the art style found in anime...
  3. sergey

    PRO Asset 4.27 Stylized Rendering System Latest

    [TRAILER VIDEO] Quickly and easily cel-shade your characters, objects, and visual effects and add up to 25 different customizable styles of outlines to your scene! SRS allows you to create a variety of different, dynamic art styles for your projects, mimicking the art style found in anime...
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