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Amplify Animation Pack

PREMIUM Asset 4.27 4.26 Amplify Animation Pack LAST

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* * Epic MegaGrant Recipient * *

Quick Start and Manual:

Demo: Direct - Dropbox


Amplify Animation Pack - Overview #1 (2020)

Amplify Animation Pack - Using Custom Characters [2021]

More coming soon!

Animation List: Wiki

Full set of animations ranging from locomotion to boating, swimming, and varied interactions. Whether you’re making a sandbox game, tactical espionage sim, or exploring uncharted ruins, the starter Third-person Character Controller will get you rolling faster than ever!


  • Blender Source
  • 600+ Animation Sequences
  • Third-person Controller
  • 100% Blueprints
  • UE4 Mannequin Animations(Included)
  • Major Refactor - Simplified Custom Character Use (NEW)

This pack is an Animation Library that will to grow with future updates. The character controller is complementary, it's a good way to preview animations out-of-the box and to serve as a starting point for your custom controller. Be sure to back-up before updating if you made custom changes.

Animation Categories

  • Weapons (Bow, Pistol, Machine Gun) (NEW)
  • Boating
  • Swimming
  • Vehicle Use
  • Ladders
  • Locomotion (w/Jumping Vaulting)
  • Cover
  • Climbing (Wall,Bars)
  • Interactions (Door,Levers,Pickup)
  • Melee+Throwing
  • Swimming

Third-person Controller

  • Weapons (Bow, Pistol, Machine Gun) (NEW)
  • Boating
  • Vehicles
  • Swimming
  • Locomotion with Walk, Run, Sprint, Jumping and Vaulting
  • Crouching + Crawling
  • Wall Cover
  • Climbing
  • Melee with Lock-on
  • Interactions + UI Prompts
  • Camera System
  • Like
Reactions: Melaro

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