Realistic male German Shepherd with animations authored at 60fps, 4K textures and support for gFur.
Animation preview (showing some of the animations from the full list below)
Current set of animations -

- new fur splines and fur material
- 32 new animations (Loco Left and Right animations, Add_Look animations, Death L and poses, Breathing animations, Sleeping and transitions)
- 3dsmax CAT animation rig
- initial release
- male German Shepherd model
- animations authored at 60 fps
- all animations available with and without the root motion
- assets for gFur
- 4K textures
- Maya and 3ds Max animation rigs
- LODs
- ragdoll setup
***Monthly Unreal Engine Sponsored Content product for [April 2021]***
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Technical Details
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: YesRigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic Skeleton: No
Animated: Yes
Number of Characters: 1
Vertex Counts of Characters: 6352
Texture Resolutions: 4K
Number of Animations: 96
Animation Types: Root Motion and In-place
Supported Development Platforms: All
Supported Target Build Platforms: All
Documentation: https://gim.studio/animalia-user-manual/