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Node Graph Assistant

FREE Plugin 5.4 Node Graph Assistant v1.8.2

No permission to download

User guide: https://github.com/pdlogingithub/UE4-Node-Graph-Assistant/blob/master/README.md

Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaPnqe5mIh4

Support page: https://forums.unrealengine.com/unreal-engine/marketplace/1435240-wip-node-graph-assistant

Technical Details:


  1. Connect multiple pins with one connection wire.
  2. One click re-organize nodes.
  3. Duplicate existing wire.
  4. Bypass node and maintain pre-existing connection wires.
  5. Create node directly on wire.
  6. Cut off wires with cursor sweep.
  7. Highlight wires with click.
  8. Select linked nodes.
  9. Panning when dragging wires or nodes.
  10. Wire auto snap to closest pin(like substance designer).
  11. Node being dragged auto connect to adjacent nodes.
  12. Wire style(straight,square).
  13. Duplicate nodes with connection wires intact.
  14. Shake node off wire with mouse.
  15. Insert dragging node into wire.
  16. Exchange wires.
  17. Connect nodes with hotkey.
  18. Configurable shortcut and multiple settings for indivisual feature control.


1.Not all features apply to all graphs,for example "auto connect" does not apply to soud graph,but all features apply to material and blueprint graph.

2.Due to epic's policy,plugin only updates for the 3 latest engin versions,if you want to use latest version of this plugin on previous engine version,please contact me in support page.

3.This plugin will have conflicts with other plugins that modify wire style.

Latest updates

  1. v1.8.2


Latest reviews


Not working for 5.4

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