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Assortment of Riot Gear

PREMIUM Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 Assortment of Riot Gear 2022-12-03

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A collection containing an assortment of PBR Ready Riot Gear, Including Batons, Riotshields and Less than Lethal Grenades.

Riot Shields come with a Police and S.W.A.T Material Variant.

Includes a Unique Dirty Glass Material (Used by the Riot Shields but can be used for any glass objects)

Props Included:

  • Blackjack 1
  • Blackjack 2
  • Riot Shield 1 (Three Variants, Blank, Police and S.W.A.T)
  • Riot Shield 2 (Three Variants, Blank, Police and S.W.A.T)
  • Riot Shield 3 (Three Variants, Blank, Police and S.W.A.T)
  • Sting Grenade
  • Stun Baton
  • Tear Gas Grenade
  • Telescopic Baton
  • Tonfa

UPDATE 30/11/2017:

  • Added Blank Variant to Riot Shields. Thanks to Riley1389 for the request.

Technical Details:


  • Includes 10 Props, 3 of which have 3 Variations.
  • Includes a Unique Dirty Glass Material.
  • PBR Ready.

Texture Sizes: All Textures are 4096x4096

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

Vertex Count: 1,194 - 8,049

Collision: Yes, Automatically Generated

LODs: Yes, Four Levels of Detail.

Number of Meshes: 10

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 14

Number of Textures: 42

Supported Development Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux

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